This flaxseed bread takes just 5 short minutes of prep time. Fluffy on the inside and crusty on the outside, it’s the perfect everyday bread!

Flax Wheat Bread on a table napkin

Okay, so there’s a hill worth dying on: bread can be healthy. Despite the low-carb, paleo, and gluten-free craze we’re living in, I’m a firm believer that you don’t have to completely nix bread out of your diet. Especially when it comes to this flaxseed bread recipe. Made with whole wheat flour and ground flaxseed, it’s wholesome, filling, and deserving of space on your countertop. It’s also crazy easy to whip up. So go ahead, enjoy a slice without subjecting yourself to guilt!

Did you know? If you have a nut allergy, you can still enjoy this flax bread! Flaxseeds are nut-free. That said, you should always make sure the variety you are using are processed in a nut-free environment.

But First, The Health Benefits of Flaxseed

If you’re privy to the health food scene, you’ve likely heard of flaxseed at least once. But what exactly are the benefits of incorporating this emerging superfood into your diet?

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Flaxseeds are full of ALA, an omega-3 that supports heart health and lowers the risk of stroke.
  • Dietary Fiber: Flaxseeds are powerhouses for healthy digestion. They contain about 3 grams of fiber per tablespoon!
  • Plant-Based Protein: Even if you’re a meat-eater, it’s great to supplement your diet with plant-based protein to fend off high cholesterol levels.

Quick Guide on Making Flaxseed Bread

Dry ingredients are prone to developing lumps in storage. To yield the best texture, sift them through a fine mesh sieve or flour sifter.

  • Add the Water: With your sifted dry ingredients in a large bowl, begin to slowly add the lukewarm water as you stir it into the flour mixture with a rubber spatula.
  • Fold the Dough: Once the water is added, work the dough with your hands or the spatula for a bit. The goal here is to simply make sure all the ingredients are well-combined.
  • Allow the Dough to Rise: Next, place the dough back into the bowl and cover it with plastic wrap or a lid. Allow it to rise on the counter at room temperature overnight.
  • Shape the Dough: The next morning, flour your hands and form one or two loaves out of the dough. Cover them with a towel and give them an hour to rise.
  • Bake the Bread: Finally, bring the oven to 450°F. Place a baking dish of hot water on the bottom rack and place the bread on the top rack. After 10 minutes, remove the baking dish with water and continue to bake the bread solo for 20-30 minutes.

Heads Up: This bread doesn’t require any baking powder or baking soda. The yeast will get it to rise all on its own!

4 Handy Tips for Flaxseed Bread

While it’s difficult to flub this bread up, here are some tips to point you in the right direction.

  • Use ground flaxseed versus whole seeds. What sets this bread apart is its fine texture. To make each slice smooth and consistent, opt for ground flaxseed over whole seeds. If you only have whole flaxseed, simply blend it in a food processor until fine.
  • Opt for high protein flour. High-protein flours yield the best texture. If you need a suggestion, Bob’s Red Mill Whole Wheat Flour is our go-to.
  • Bake the bread on a floured baking sheet. There’s no need for parchment paper here (it can stand up to 450°F and will burn). Simply flour a baking sheet and pop the dough right on top.
  • Use a loaf pan if you’re planning on making sandwiches. If your goal is to use the bread for sandwiches, opt for baking the dough in loaf pans versus making bread rounds.

What’s the difference between ground flaxseed and flax meal? Ground flaxseed is literally just that – flaxseeds that have been ground down. On the other hand, flax meal is a byproduct of making flax oil. The two can be used interchangeably in this recipe.

Ideas for Serving Flaxseed Bread

This flaxseed bread can be seen as the perfect “everyday bread”. Serve it with a little butter or avocado for quick breakfast toast on the run. The nutty flavor of the bread also makes for great peanut butter and banana sandwiches (don’t forget a sprinkle of cinnamon!). It’s also wonderful served alongside your favorite soups and salad. Hearty minestrone soup and roasted beet salad with goat cheese are some great options.

Reader Suggestion: “After taking it out of the oven, I brushed the top of the bread with a mix of butter, minced garlic, and dill.” – Marina

Best Practices for Storage

There’s nothing quite like having fresh-baked bread on hand. Here, find all the tips you need to keep flaxseed bread fresh in storage:

  • Room Temperature: To keep flaxseed bread fresh for up to 7 days, store it in a bread box or airtight container. Additionally, you’ll help the bread retain moisture if you only cut off slices as you need them. The longer the loaf stays whole, the fresher it will stay and the better it will taste.
  • Freezer: This bread is great for freezing and can be kept on hand for up to 3 months. To do so, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and pop it in the freezer. Alternatively, slice the bread with a serrated knife and freeze it in individual slices. To thaw, let it sit in the fridge overnight or on the counter for a couple of hours if you need to speed up the process.


Is eating too much flaxseed bad for you?

Eating too much flaxseed can cause bloating due to its high fiber content. However, if you stick to the recommended amount of a tablespoon per day you’ll get all the health benefits without any tummy pain.

How many different kinds of flaxseed are there?

There are two kinds of flaxseed: brown and golden. Feel free to use either brown or golden flaxseed meal for this recipe – both work great. Of note, people tend to find that brown flaxseed has a stronger flavor profile.

Doesn’t the bread need honey or sugar for the yeast to rise?

The bread does not need honey or sugar for the yeast to rise. It will rise perfectly if you let it rest at room temperature overnight.

Will this recipe work for small dinner buns or hamburger buns?

This recipe would make great dinner or hamburger buns. Simply lower the cooking time and you’ll be golden.

Can you bake this bread in a cast-iron skillet instead?

You can bake this bread in a cast-iron skillet. A cast iron will give the bread a nice, consistent shape.

Other Homemade Bread Recipes

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Natalya Drozhzhin

Natalya founded Momsdish to demonstrate that placing a homemade meal on the table is not hard at all. Natalya makes cooking easier and approachable, by simplifying the ingredients, while still producing the same great taste.