Air Fryer Asparagus is perfectly crispy, without needing a ton of oil and fat! In just under 10 minutes, you will have this awesome dish on the table.

air fried asparagus on a plate

Air Fryer Asparagus is just another reason why we can’t get enough of the air fryer at Momsdish! From air fryer salmon to air fryer baked potatoes, this appliance makes food so crispy and decadent without all the extra calories!

During the insanity of the week, the air fryer is an absolute savior. It makes this asparagus taste like it was roasted in the oven slowly and with loads of olive oil! Instead, it is ready to eat in less time than it takes to do the dishes. Gotta love the convenience…

ingredients for the air fryer asparagus

Ingredients for Air Fryer Asparagus

Air Fryer Asparagus only requires three ingredients — asparagus, parmesan and garlic parsley salt! The latter makes a perfect dish, but here are a couple of variations you can make to switch things up:

  • Bacon with asparagus. Slice up a couple of strips of bacon and add them directly into the air fryer alongside the asparagus. The bacon will cook up wonderfully! In fact, bacon is one of the BEST things to make in the air fryer.
  • A sprinkle of lemon juice. A spritz of lemon juice brings this dish alive. Lemon-y asparagus is a summertime classic.
  • Seasoning salt. If you have a favorite seasoning salt you can’t get enough of, sprinkle it on! Just be mindful of not adding too much seasoning salt on top of parmesan, which is salty in and of itself.
  • Dash of pepper. Like a little spice? Add a dash of freshly ground pepper.
  • Smoked paprika. Something about the way asparagus and smoked paprika tastes together is irresistible!

How to Make Asparagus In The Air Fryer

  1. Trim off the ends. Rinse your asparagus first and trim/snap off the ends.
  2. Season generously. Liberally season your asparagus with parsley salt and olive oil.
  3. Make it cheesy. After placing the asparagus in the air fryer basket (make sure to lay spears in an even layer), grate parmesan all over the top.
  4. Air fry! Set your air fryer to 400 ℉ and cook the asparagus for 7 minutes.

How to Trim Asparagus

Here’s all you need to know about successfully trimming asparagus:

  1. Rinse your asparagus under cool water.
  2. Trim the spears by cutting off the tough, woody bottom-half. You can also do this by snapping the woody part off with your hand — it should break off naturally.
  3. Toss the ends and season your spears!

How to Store Air Fryer Asparagus

Store your air fryer asparagus in an airtight container. It will last in the fridge for up to a week. You can also freeze your asparagus and simply reheat it again in the air fryer to return it to its original crispiness.

Air Fryer Recipes

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Natalya Drozhzhin

Natalya founded Momsdish to demonstrate that placing a homemade meal on the table is not hard at all. Natalya makes cooking easier and approachable, by simplifying the ingredients, while still producing the same great taste.