These grilled zucchini and mushrooms are the most no-fuss side dish on the planet. Requiring just four ingredients and almost no prep work, you’ll find yourself making them a couple of times a week.

Grilled Zucchini and Mushrooms on a plate

Grilled zucchini and mushrooms are often overcomplicated. Flavorful enough all on their own, you don’t need to fuss with these veggies too much to get a ton of flavor. That’s exactly why I created this recipe. To go back to the basics and give you a foolproof grilled veggies side dish for your next cookout.

The key to the awesomeness of these grilled zucchini and mushrooms is all in the simple seasoning and BBQing technique. All you need is high-quality olive oil and some sea salt. That’s right – just olive oil and salt. When you take them to the grill, you’ll simply pop them directly onto the grill grates. No skewers or grill basket necessary!

Ingredient for grilled zucchini and mushrooms

Grilled Zucchini and Mushrooms

This grilled zucchini and mushrooms dish can best be described as rustic. It really lets the natural flavors of the veggies take centerstage, with very low-key seasoning and minimal chopping. Below, find a rundown of the flavor, texture, and cooking time.

  • Flavor: Expect to get full frontal flavor from the zucchini and mushrooms. All you need to add to them is a bit of high-quality olive oil for a nutty taste (and to prevent sticking!) and sea salt to enhance their natural flavors.
  • Texture: You’ll keep the mushrooms whole and slice the zucchini coins thick to yield a nice bite. The goal is to get some nice char marks and to cook the center just until it turns juicy.
  • Time: From start to finish, this dish only takes 25 minutes to make over an outdoor grill.

Did you know? Due to the French influence in the region, mushrooms are sometimes referred to as “champignons” throughout the American South. The direct translation is “edible mushrooms”.

How to Make Grilled Zucchini and Mushrooms

All you need to make grilled zucchini and mushrooms is a sharp knife and a large mixing bowl. Find a quick hitter overview of the recipe below.

  • Clean and Prep the Veggies: Rinse the veggies under cool water. Pat them dry. Keep the mushrooms whole and slice the zucchini into thick, one inch rings.
  • Season the Veggies: Pop the veggies into a large mixing bowl. Toss them with salt and olive oil until they are evenly coated.
  • Grill the Veggies: Place the veggies right onto the grill grate. Using tongs, flip each piece until both sides turn golden brown.
  • Serve Warm or Chilled: Serve the veggies fresh off the grill, or chill them in the refrigerator for a cold grilled vegetable salad.

Tips for Making the Best Grilled Zucchini and Mushrooms

Below, find a collection of tips to help yield the best grilled zucchini and mushrooms.

  • Don’t over season the veggies. Zucchini and mushrooms have enough flavor all on their own, so don’t go overboard with the seasoning. Some salt and olive oil will do the trick.
  • Slice the zucchini thick and keep mushrooms whole. To keep the veggies from falling through the grill grates, make sure to slice the zucchini thick and keep the mushrooms whole. Note: Depending on the size of the mushrooms, you may need to pull some off earlier than others.
  • Use a large mixing bowl to toss the seasoning. Mixing the veggies with seasoning in a large bowl helps you to distribute the salt and olive oil more evenly. You can even do a couple of “chef tosses” if you’re feeling lucky! 😉
Grilled Zucchini and Mushrooms on a serving tray

Serving Grilled Zucchini and Mushrooms

Grilled zucchini and mushrooms can be served alongside just about any protein you slap on the grill. From ribeyes to lamb kabobs, you can’t go wrong. Use one half of the grill to make your protein and the other half to make your veggies to speed up the time to table. You can also grill the veggies and add them to different pasta dishes, such as a simple alfredo or beef stroganoff.

Cold Grilled Veggie Salad: If you haven’t tried a cold grilled vegetable salad before, you’re missing out! Allow the grilled zucchini and mushrooms to cool completely at room temperature. Chill them in an airtight container in the fridge. Once cold, toss them with a bit of balsamic vinegar and serve. Yum!

Storing Grilled Zucchini and Mushrooms

  • Refrigerator: Store grilled zucchini and mushrooms in an airtight container in the refrigerator. They will keep fresh for up to a week.
  • Freezer: Not recommended. When you go to thaw your vegetables, they will turn watery and all the awesome texture from the grill will be lost.

Reheating Tip: Reheat your grilled veggies by popping them in the oven until warmed through.


How do you grill zucchini without it turning soggy?

To prevent zucchini from becoming soggy on the grill, make sure you cut it into 1- inch thick rounds.

How do I grill vegetables without a grill basket?

You can grill vegetables without a grill basket by slicing them thick enough to be placed directly on the grates. Using tongs, flip them periodically until all the sides are golden brown.

Can I use a wok to cook the veggies on the grill?

You can absolutely use a wok on the grill. If you don’t like a direct char but love smokiness, this is a great option. Just make sure to double-check that your specific model can be used over an open flame.

Other Zucchini Recipes

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Natalya Drozhzhin

Natalya founded Momsdish to demonstrate that placing a homemade meal on the table is not hard at all. Natalya makes cooking easier and approachable, by simplifying the ingredients, while still producing the same great taste.